越南推動四年箱網養殖發展計畫越南農業暨農村發展部(MARD)積極推動水產養殖計畫,力促於2015年前海洋水產養殖年產量達16萬公噸。該計畫預定在海峽、海灣、人造海水養殖場設置不會佔用海洋養殖區逾一成的小型及企業化箱網。優先以石斑魚、汽車貸款鯧魚、鯛魚、海鱺及鱸魚等深具出口潛力的高經濟魚種進行養殖,並以帶殼軟體動物、海螺及海菜混養。海洋養殖場上的箱網群不會大於1公頃 ,箱網群間距為500 -1,000公尺 。另將規模達1,000 -1,200立方公尺 、耐得住強風吹襲的企業化箱網設置售屋網於富安省中部、慶和省、峴港市及堅江省的廣大海灣。同步於北、中、南部設立能提供養殖場魚苗的國家級水產繁殖中心;興建或升級全國7-8家每天能供應水產養殖場50公噸魚粉的飼料工廠(或4家日產量達100公噸的同類型工廠亦可)。(摘譯自辦公室出租INFOFISH Trade News, No. 16/2011,29 August 2011) FOUR YEAR TARGET FOR FISH FARMING IN CAGES, PONDSThe Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has set a target of farming 160,000 MT ofmarine fish species 房地產annually by 2015. The ministry's programme to develop this sector through 2015envisages breeding the fish in both small and industrial-sized cages in straits and bays as well as inbrackish ponds. Various species of 負債整合fish will be farmed, with priority given to high-value species withlarge export potential like grouper, pomfret, snapper, cobia and bass. It will be combined with thefarming of other marine species such as bivalve 室內裝潢molluscs, sweet snails and sea vegetables. In the sea,the cages will not take up more than 10% of the farm area. The marine farms will have distinctclusters of cages, with each cluster not exceeding one ha and being 保濕面膜500-1,000 metres away from eachother. Industrial-scale cages measuring 1,000-1,200 cubic metres and capable of withstanding verystrong winds will be installed in large bays in central Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa and Da Nang, and 租房子KienGiang provinces. A national fisheries breeding centre will be set up in each of the southern, centraland northern regions to supply fish to the farms. Seven or eight feed plants will be built or upgradedaround the 系統傢俱country to produce 50 MT each daily – or four such plants with a daily capacity of 100MT – to supply feed to the fish farms.

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